يوميات حموي


Today, we are all Lebanese...

Today, we are all Lebanese.
Lebanon has been sentenced to death. On Wednesday 12 July, she was put in prison, and now she's being tortured.
Israel's war is with Lebanon's civilians, not Hizbollah. Nearly every person killed has been a civilian. Power stations, bridges and petrol stations have been targeted. Israel has warned residents to get out of certain villages, but bombed roads to make it difficult - and refugee convoys have been picked out for deadly air raids.
And getting out of the country is impossible now too. The airport has been destroyed, the sea ports are blockaded, and the border posts and highways have been razed to the ground.
Lebanon is held hostage to the angry Israeli war machine. And now more than ever, Syrians bloggers, just like every Syrian stand by her.
Another generation of Lebanese will know nothing but war. We can't let this happen, Again.


At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

شيء جميل و مؤثر
يسعدني ان ان اجد حمويا مثلي
عنده مدونة يهتم بها ,و يسجل
فيها كل انطباعاتنا كحمويين
اتمنى ان تزور مدونتي ايضا
عسى ان نكون تجمعا للمدونات الحموية

At 4:45 AM, Blogger bc said...

I live in the U.S. and the western media want to tell me that all Lebanese hate Hezb'Allah. Is that true? I wqill pary that they support Hezb' and Nasr'Ullah in what it is stribing to achieve. Isra'el is the devil, period.

At 12:59 AM, Blogger adv 2 ad said...

اللهم انصرنا على أعدائك وأعدائنا


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